Thursday, May 9, 2013

Local men marrying foreign brides really on the rise?

Hi folks,

Glad to be back posting again on this interesting topic of dating and marriage in Singapore.

Recently, I went to the polyclinic to get a referral letter for ezyma, due to sensitive skin. Its nothing serious though. As usual, there are many people waiting to see the doctors.

The process went well and I got some prescription. Whilst waiting for my prescription, I stood at the back since there were no seats. I noticed something worth discussing.

Couple #1 - Wife was carrying their baby, spoke Chinese and I recognise the accent was from Mainland China. Husband is a local Singaporean Chinese.

Couple #2 - Wife was seated with their child who was sitting in a pram, when she spoke to her friend, it sounded like Vietnamese. Husband is a local Singaporean Chinese.

What is common here?

It is evident that more local Singaporean men are marrying foreign brides from our neighbouring countries.

As Singaporean women becomes more highly educated, and focus on career early on, it will be more difficult to date and subsequently marry them. Worst of all, they have a bad impression for local men. Why the change in attitude?

I faced the same issues years ago and how did I make a break-through with them? There are certain solutions you must take to succeed.

If you are facing these same difficulties, share with us in this blog or send a private email. We can help you.

To your dating success