Saturday, October 13, 2012

Marriage stats you must know!

Hi everyone,

Two weeks ago, I came across my local newspapers called the "Sunday Times", an article called  "More mixed unions and remarriages". In it spells out the current trend of marriages.
  • More Singaporean men are marrying foreign Asian women.
  • More Chinese local women are marrying Caucasian men.
  • More local older women are marrying local younger men.
What does this stats tells you?

If you are a Singaporean guy looking to marry a Singaporean Chinese girl who is younger than you, it is going to be tough luck and the odds are stacked against you.

Fret not, I have come up with two guide books "Nail Your First Date" and "Nail Your First Relationship" so that you can gain knowledge and use them to your advantage to beat the odds. Check them out now.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Singaporean girls makes the first move on guys?


I came across this interesting Yahoo! article that Singaporean girls are more daring today and not afraid to make the first move towards guys. Yahoo! interviwed a few girls in tertiary institutions stated that with gender equality, they are willing to take a chance in revealing how they feel for the guy they are interested in, as life is short. They need not wait such a long time for the guy to make up his mind to ask her out. While other girls are alittle more careful by giving signs to the guy to make the first move in dating them. This is a good chance for passive and shy guys who are afraid of rejections to be approached by girls who are interested in them and won't be left out in the dating scene.

You can read the full article here

For more of your dating need, please visit my website

To your success

Saturday, June 16, 2012

How to get a first date with the girl you have your eyes on?

Hi everyone,

In my first book "Nail Your First Date", I talked about what you must do on a first date to impress her so that you can get more dates with her when you subsequently ask her. Before you get to go on a first date, what must you do? I am going to share with you some ideas.

Idea1: You must ask the girl.
Many guys find this hard as they are shy and afraid to make the first move. While others are afraid of rejection. Girls will never ask you out, even if they do, you will think negatively of them. You need to pluck up the courage to ask the right girl you want to date.

Idea2: You must first be her friend.
No girl will go out with you if she does not already know you. It will be easier if you have already known her and she is familiar with you. When you ask, she does not take it that you are dating her and will treat it as a casual outing.

Idea3:  Ask her at the right time
Usually guys get rejected when they ask at the wrong time and they don't realize it. Ask her when she is in a good mood and when she is not preoccupied.
The three points may sound easy and common sense, how many guys actually pay attention to it? I have my fair share of failures when I ignored the above points.
For more solutions to you dating needs, you can visit my website. Sign up for our free newsletter on how you can use Speed Dating to land a first date.

To you dating success.